Our Secure Taskforce and Countermeasures Organization is always looking for strong applicants for future contracts. Please submit your resume and state in the subject line which position you wish to be considered for:
Subcontract to us – We happily work with other agencies to provide a service on their behalf.
Subcontract for us – Apex outsources most electronic and technology based solutions to proven vendors geographically close to our client. This ensures that our protection teams and the client receive timely services and a vendor familiar with the nuances of their systems and how they function in the local environment. If you would like to apply to be added to our Approved Vendors List, please submit a proposal that includes past project experience, service region, and your technical focus of expertise.
Sell to us – If you offer a cutting edge software, emerging threat counter technology, or have a unique value add for our level of clientele please contact us. We are open to affiliation and subcontracting services after the product and the vendor have been thoroughly screened and validated.